Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Effect of Developmental Behavior

A child behavior depends on both heredity and environment or "nature" and "nurture" . Each infant is unique, both in appearance and temperament. Temperament is a style of behavior for example, a child may be "easy-going" "slow to warm up or hard to manage".

Though every child is born with certain characteristics , the child rearing environment plays a strong part in behavior and development. Child development generally follows and orderly pattern, but there are considerable individual variations. Movement usually progresses from rolling to setting, to creeping and then walking. But some children never creep at all , and the age at which they start walking can vary widely, although in generally occurs between 9 and 18 months of age.

Language development, which involves hearing and understanding , as well as expressive speaking and signing, varies even more among children. Usually, speech progresses from cooing and babbling to the use of jargon , words, joined words, then phrases and finally sentences . Some children produce full sentences by the age of 2 years, while others may not do so until later. A useful rule is to seek professional help for those who do not have one word by 1 year of age, Two joined words by 2 years of age , Three joined words by 3 years of age. It is important not to delay seeking help for children who are either slow to walk or slow to talk when parents or caregivers suspect a problem:early help with difficult behavior may prevent later complications . Starting infancy, children are influenced by how adults treat them . Adults need to understand the typical patterns of development and behavior , while allowing for individual differences .Adults also need to consider children's level of maturity even more than their actual ages.

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